Webinář: Strategie přípravy žáků na zkoušky Cambridge English

Pořádá Vzdělávací institut LETEC Learning and Teaching Centre

Termín:23. 10. 2024 – 18. 11. 2024
Místo konání:ONLINE
Cena:2200 Kč za seminář

The course is a systematic breakdown of the teacher’s role in preparing students for the Cambridge First and Advanced exams (FCE & CAE); two most in demand exams among the elementary and high school student population. In the course, the teachers will familiarise themselves with the overall system of testing, role of the teacher, detailed presentation of each part of the exams, with the specific focus on WHAT is being tested and practical guidance on HOW to adequately prepare their students for the exams. Each session will look into designated parts of the test, what is being tested, how to approach each task and practical tips & tricks to maximise students’ achievement.

Additionally, there will be a brief comparison between exam conditions during paper-based and digital exams (a recent introduction). Each participant will get a booklet summarising the course as well as a list of useful links that can help them explore the topic further. Each part will contain a Q&A session where teachers are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in exchanging ideas. Finally, the content of the course is equally useful for developing students’ skills outside of the Cambridge exams context.

Doplňující informace:

Cíl akce:Cílem akce je seznámit učitele ZŠ a SŠ s konceptem přípravy na jazykové zkoušky FCE, CAE.
Kontaktní email:info@institut-letec.cz
Kontaktní tel.:792 429 385
Typ akce:seminář
Oblast:cizí jazyky, jazykové vzdělávání
Cílová skupina:učitelé SOŠ a SOU
učitelé gymnázií
učitelé 2. stupně
Poznámka:Webinář zahrnuje 3 online setkání vždy od 16:00 do 18:00 hod.: 23.10., 6.11. a 18.11.2024.